If you ask an IT expert which ai technology is going to take the world in the coming years, 99% chances are that you will hear one answer: Generative IT. The power of generative AI has become even clearer with the invention of next-generation AI tools like ChatGPT.  

However, things were not as smooth as today a few years back. 

In 2017, a survey indicated that only 17% of business leaders were familiar with AI. A few years later, the percentage of companies using AI in at least one function because 56%, according to McKinsey’s Global Survey 2022. Similarly, over 42% of tech professionals from the world’s leading organizations declared AI the biggest technology trend in 2022. Even tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are now integrating AI into their products to enhance consumer experiences. 

Let’s explore some of the key trends in AI technology that experts believe will reshape the world in 2023. 

A Brief Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

Like humans, machines can also now interpret and analyze information to make data-driven decisions. This is made possible with Artificial Intelligence (AI), an innovative technology that focuses on creating intelligent machines. 

AI-powered products and systems have strong cognitive, problem-solving, and processing abilities. They can effectively perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. The foundation of AI lies in algorithms, models, and systems that enable machines to learn, reason, and make decisions on their own. 

AI is further divided into subdomains such as machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, and expert systems. For instance, ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool that can understand human language and respond to complex prompts. Today, AI has a wide range of applications including speech recognition, image recognition, autonomous vehicles, predictive analytics, and chatbots. 

Top AI Technology Trends For 2023 

Given below are some of the top trends that will transform the world in 2023 and beyond:

1. Generative AI

Imagine an automated AI chatbot that can answer all your queries and perform your tasks in minutes. You just enter your query in the form of text or image and get a detailed response within no time. Whether you want to write a long-form article, debug code, or produce high-quality images, the system can take care of all of this. 

This is what generative AI is all about. It can automate your repetitive tasks that take your time and hinder your productivity. As a result, you can produce original non-plagiarized content based on your existing data. Not only this, generative AI tools can even answer tough questions and respond to complex prompts. 

One popular example of a generative AI tool is ChatGPT, which can create high-quality text and talk in human-like conversations. Another platform is DALLE-E which can be used to produce original images and illustrations based on text-based descriptions outlining requirements. 

2. AI in the Internet of Things (AIoT)

As the world moves towards hyper-digitization, the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more relevant than ever. We are seeing more connected devices today in every field, whether it’s education, health, businesses, industries, military, space, or research organizations. 

To make IoT devices more sustainable, they need the power of artificial intelligence. Integrating AI with IoT will increase the power of digital devices by several folds and virtually transform everything. Moreover, this new combination can create new growth opportunities in innovation, research and development, and productivity. 

When combined, AI and IoT can improve data collection and facilitate data-driven decision-making based on real-time insights. Besides, companies can use AIoT in biometric verification, face and voice recognition, surveillance, and conversational AI. Other applications include smart homes, smart businesses, smart transportation, smart lives, and the list goes on.

3. NO Code AI Platforms

Another area where businesses are investing more today is no-code automation. The rising popularity of no-code solutions is marked by unprecedented benefits like ease of use, low development cost, and improved software quality.  

Besides, writing codes with no-code AI platforms accelerates the software development and implementation lifecycle by nearly 100%. Instead of coding from scratch, developers can use these amazing tools to write codes in different programming languages and create high-performing applications for different platforms. 

Particularly, IT companies working on non-customized digital products are mostly relying on no-code AI platforms for faster product development. Moreover, businesses can also use these tools to identify object poses, objects, sounds, images, and similar elements. Some of the popular no-code AI tools include Google ML Kit, MakeML, Google Cloud Auto ML, and CreateML.

4. AI in Augmented Reality

This is the decade of robotics, AR/VR, ML, blockchain, and similar disruptive technologies. Soon, we will find ourselves surrounded by smart machines, AI-powered robots, and intelligent systems with the ability to do jobs better, smarter, and more efficiently.  

The integration of AI into Augmented Reality will open doors to new forms of interaction between humans and machines. AI-powered systems backed by intelligence algorithms can be used to understand and interpret the data being captured by AR devices. Besides, intelligent applications can provide users with more accurate and personalized information to make them more useful and effective. 

Similarly, AI-based image processing algorithms can significantly improve the quality and realism of the AR experience. Other applications of AI-AR integration include the creation of virtual training environments and interactive learning experiences for healthcare professionals, pilots, drivers, and marine time staff. 

Final Words 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most disruptive and fast-developing technologies for the current decade. AI is enabling machines to learn, think, interpret information, and make decisions. Besides, AI-powered systems are facilitating human beings in various tasks by improving their productivity and enhancing their operational capabilities. 

In 2023, four AI trends are expected to change traditional processes and bring a revolution in the corporate world. These include generative AI, I in the Internet of Things (AIoT), NO Code AI Platforms, and AI in Augmented Reality. 

One recent example of AI is ChatGPT, a natural language tool developed by OpenAI which has already taken the internet by storm. In the future, we will see more such tools with advanced capabilities making our lives easier and superior.