Software as a Service (SaaS) is reshaping traditional business practices, and there is no doubt about it. SaaS adoption has been on the rise post-pandemic and the trend is likely to continue for coming decades. Today, businesses from all sectors are rapidly using SaaS applications to transform their operations.

However, when it comes to choosing the right SaaS applications, most companies fail to recognize their needs. In some cases, even minor mistakes can cause mismatches and negatively affect team performance. It is, therefore, essential for business leaders to be extremely careful while reviewing SaaS applications and select the best one that meets their criteria.

Keep the following things in your mind to choose the right SaaS application and leverage cloud-based software to boost your corporate growth.

What is SaaS Application?

A Software as a Service (SaaS) application is a cloud-based software solution that is hosted, maintained, and provided by a third-party service provider. Instead of users installing and maintaining the software on their local devices or servers, SaaS applications are accessed through the internet. Users typically subscribe to a SaaS model on a subscription basis, paying for the software on a recurring schedule, often monthly or annually.

SaaS applications cover a wide range of functionalities, from office productivity tools like email and collaboration software to more specialized applications.

This model offers several advantages, including cost-effectiveness, automatic updates, and the ability to access the software from anywhere, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.

1. System Performance & Reliability

First of all, you need to review the system’s performance and make sure it meets your desired criteria. Only a fully-functional, professionally-optimized, and well-structured SaaS application can deliver your desired results. Although SaaS development companies perform rigorous testing before delivering the product, consumers must review the final delivery from the users’ perspective.

The best way to do so is to document performance data that outlines key features and capabilities of SaaS applications. Similarly, sign an enforceable service-level agreement with your SaaS business partner with clear expectations and business requirements. Likewise, carefully review the performance SLA and measure system performance through quantifiable figures.

2. Accessibility

Another important area companies should look at during the SaaS procurement process is checking the software’s accessibility. This unique quality differentiates SaaS applications from traditional software. The best SaaS application is universally accessible and allows users to connect to their dashboard anytime, anywhere.

Hence, make sure your SaaS application works properly without any downtime or interruption. Even a minor bug can disrupt your organizational operations and result in the loss of revenue. Moreover, always perform history checks to identify previous downtime occurrences before making the final decision.

3. Visibility

The third most important thing to be considered is how your SaaS application displays real-time data. One key aspect of cloud-based solutions is that they provide their users with actionable insights to make informed decisions. The visibility of data stored in SaaS applications becomes crucial to make data-driven decisions for better outcomes.

Therefore, always choose a SaaS application that offers real-time insights in an easy-to-understand format. Moreover, make sure that your SaaS partner has taken enough steps to ensure data privacy and store your confidential information in highly secure servers. Likewise, keep an eye on cybersecurity measures to thwart potential security threats and cybersecurity risks including phishing attacks.

4. Integrations

No SaaS software in today’s highly connected digital landscape can succeed without integrating with third-party systems. Hence, SaaS companies build cloud-based solutions with open APIs so that their users and build out third-party integrations to achieve their desired results. Even renowned tech giants like Google and Twitter also use this model of open APIs.

When reviewing different SaaS options, always check how many integrations are available. Besides, choose cloud-based software with open APIs so that you can extend the applicability of your system. This approach will significantly improve your organizational performance and allow your team to better leverage SaaS for long-term sustainability.

5. Compliance

Finally, only those SaaS applications are safe to use that are fully compliant with rules and regulations. It is, therefore, highly recommended to prefer only those SaaS vendors that strictly comply with legal obligations, policies, international standards, and regulations.

For this purpose, always read the detailed privacy policy page on the SaaS vendor’s website and review which policies are claimed to be compliant. For instance, if you are purchasing a SaaS application from a UK-based organization, make sure their platform complies with GDPR. If possible, ask for documentation to prove their claims and verify their submissions independently for extended security and protection.

6. Customization and Scalability

Customization is a key factor to consider when choosing a SaaS application for your business.

SaaS application for your business

Assess the level of customization the platform offers to tailor it to your specific needs. A good SaaS solution should provide flexibility in adapting to your unique business processes. Also, it allows for the integration of custom workflows, business rules, and user interfaces, ensuring that it aligns with your established practices.

Additionally, scalability is crucial for accommodating your business growth. Ensure that the SaaS application can scale with your expanding operations. Thus, adding users, features, and resources without compromising performance. Therefore, when selecting a SaaS application, emphasize not only its current suitability but also its capacity to evolve with your business.

7. Data Backup and Recovery

Protecting your data is paramount, and a robust SaaS application should have reliable backup and recovery mechanisms in place. Inquire about the data backup frequency, storage redundancy, and the process for data recovery in case of unexpected events such as system failures or cyber-attacks. A SaaS solution with a comprehensive data backup strategy ensures the integrity and availability of your critical business information.

Equally critical is understanding the process for data recovery in the face of unforeseen events such as system failures or cyber-attacks. A resilient SaaS application will have a well-defined and efficient recovery plan in place, outlining the steps taken to restore your data swiftly. This proactive approach is vital for minimizing downtime. Also, it helps business continuity in the wake of unexpected disruptions.

8. User Training and Support

A user-friendly interface and effective training and support resources are essential for the successful adoption of a SaaS application within your organization.

Furthermore, assess the availability of training materials, documentation, and customer support channels provided by the SaaS vendor. A comprehensive onboarding process and ongoing support contribute significantly to user satisfaction and the efficient operation of the SaaS application.

Lastly, prioritize platforms that offer intuitive interfaces, reducing the learning curve for your team members. For this, consider whether the SaaS vendor provides tutorials, user guides, or webinars to facilitate user training.

Wrapping Up

Worldwide businesses, particularly startups, are struggling to cope with ever-changing regulations and financial issues. In this age of digital transformation where tech adoption is not more of a choice, SaaS applications are playing a key role in corporate growth. Cloud-based software systems help companies automate their operations and become more resilient without stretching their budget limits.

At the same time, choosing the right SaaS application is also critical to achieving the desired results. Hence, we discussed key aspects business owners should always consider selecting a SaaS application that meets their criteria.

These aspects include system performance & reliability, visibility, accessibility, compliance, and integration. Buying cloud-based software considering these five things can help you boost your corporate growth and achieve corporate excellence.